After Chehlum, the first Sunday has been reserved by Mr. Shakeel for a Majlis & Matam at his residence in Mudh Island. One has to cross over the creek by ferry from Versova who charge Rs. 2/- per trip. Majlis started late as Hujjatul Islam Maulana Sayed Zeeshan Haider Zaidi had to come from Bandra Jame' Masjid after reciting one over there.
Before his Majlis there was namaaz with jama't. Mahdi Jaunpuri took over the microphone and read many salaams and nauhas followed by Roshan Rizvi reciting in his sad and sorrowful voice the famous salaam "Ghabraigi Zainab."
Maulana Zeeshan took full one hour for his majlis. After Majlis, 'Anjuman-e-Imamia' who came all the way from Bhendi Bazar by private bus, did seenazani and recited 3 nauhas.
The programme was over after niyaz.