Last night, there was a Julus-e-Aza at Bandra west, Bazar Road. It started from Mehfil-e-Panjatan after Maulana Riyaz Mucadam recited Majlis and terminated at Bandra Jam'e Masjid. More than 8 Anjumans participated. The Julus had a shabeeh of Zuljanah and a Tabut. Anjuman-e-Yadgar-e-Mahdi, Anjuman-e-Dargah-e-Abul Fazlil Abbas, Anjuman-e-Ya Ali (Kurla), Anjuman-e-Husaini (Malony, Malad), Anjuman-e-Ghuncha-e-Mo'jeza-e-Husain, Anjuman-e-Asgharya (Bombay), Tanzeem-e-Zahra, Anjuman-e-Saqqa-e-Haram etc. participated in Nauha and Matam. Hundreds of Azadars wearing black clothes walked along with the Julus.